Susannah Beck (Oregon) (Automatic Selection as 2008 USATF 50 Mile Trail Champion)- Declined position
Prudence L'Heureux (Oregon) (Automatic Selection as 2008 USATF 100Km Trail Champion)
Anita Ortiz- At large from submitted resume
Devon Crosby-Helms- At large from submitted resume
Meghan Arboghast (Oregon) - At large from submitted resume
Michael Wardian (Automatic Selection as 2008 USATF 50 Mile Trail Champion)- Declined position
Neil Olsen (Oregon) (Automatic Selection as 2008 USATF 100Km Trail Champion)
Matt Lonergan- At large from submitted resume
Kyle Skaggs (Oregon) - At large from submitted resume
Mark Lundblad- At large from submitted resume
Ben Nephew-At large from submitted resume
To watch the race online, check out the following announcement from the race organizers:
It is our pleasure to announce to you that we will be providing you with regular updates (barring any unforeseen technical difficulties) from the 2nd IAU Trail Challenge on July 11th -12th 2009. The race starts at 0500 hrs (France time) on July 12th. Pre-race coverage will begin on July 11th. We will be providing you with Live Updates from the IAU website. Please go to our website (www.iau-ultramarathon.org) and click on Live Updates (in the upper taskbar) for live coverage or go directly to http://www.iau-ultramarathon.org/mediacenter.php
Richard, just to give you an update...the only two athletes who are competing at the IAU World Trail Challenge are myself and Ben Nephew. All others have declined their spots. Thanks
Matt Lonergan, Eugene, Oregon
Thanks for the updated information. Too bad we couldn't field a more complete team. Good luck at the Worlds - make Oregon proud!
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